About Me
Until Nov. 2024, I was the Head Organizer (Executive Director) of FYKOS – a group of ~60 students organizing major
non-profit educational events in physics for high-school students – e.g., Fyziklani
(~1200 participants from 21 countries in person in Prague), and Physics Brawl Online
(over 6000 participants from 80 countries).
Leading FYKOS, I gained experience with
leadership, (project) management, community building, running a non-profit,
educating and lecturing, outreach, communication with high-ranking officials of companies and governments, etc.
I study theoretical physics at Charles University in Prague, although I am more excited about applying it to random non-physics things like autoencoders or birds flocking. I am also interested in machine learning and making artificial intelligence safer and more beneficial to humanity.
Sometimes, I do other things, like helping out at camps teaching applied rationality to highly talented young minds, or organizing events for promoting giving to effective charities.
I enjoy bouldering, reading educational non-fiction (Sapiens, The Power of Habit, 12 Rules for Life, etc.), trying to maximize my productivity (while not burning out), and the company of pink plushy octopi.